Where I lurk
Some Interests 8-bit, alcohol, ambient, animals, anthropology, arabica, art film, art nouveau, backpacking, baking, beer, belize, biking, biology, bisexuality, book stores, brewing, british columbia, burning man, camping, canada, carl sagan, cascade, cascadia, cats, cheese, chocolate, community, compassion, computers, conferences, conservation, cooking, critical thinking, cuddling, dalai lama, dams, dance, dining, dinosaurs, documentary, doumbek, ecology, edward gorey, embedded, endangered species, engineering, environment, fair trade, feline asthma, flying karamazov brothers, forest, free software, freedom of expression, gardening, gblt, geeks, geology, geomorphology, gnu, guitar, health, hiking, hippies, historical geology, home improvement, honesty, hot springs, hot tubs, humanism, independent media, intelligence, jack of all trades, karma, kboo, kokopelli, land forms, land use, learning, liberal, life, life-cycle cost, linux, lists, literati, love, men, middle east, mountains, music, new zealand, nonfiction, npr, open source, optimism, oregon, organic, oscar wilde, outdoors, pacific north west, pacific northwest, pacifism, pagan, paganism, peace, photography, poetry, political essays, politics, polyamory, portland, powerpc, pragmatism, privacy, progressive, raqs sharqi, reading, real time, real-time, relationships, research, roadtrips, road cuts, robots, rockets, salmon, science, scorpio, scrabble, sharing, singing, sleeping, socialism, software, spacecraft, spiritual, stanley kubrik, stephen jay gould, sushi, sustainability, sustainable development, tarot, teasing, thinking, travel, understanding, volcanoes, volcanology, voting, vxworks, washington, wilderness, wildflowers, wildlife, wikipedia, wine, women, writing, yoga Your score was 63. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether): You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting. |